Read more information below on all that we can offer and please feel free to contact us with any questions or to get the ball rolling.
Bereavement Leave
This entitles employees who have suffered a still birth or the death of a child to take leave.
Breach of Contract
Damages can be claimed if an employer has breached a term of the contract on termination.
Carer's Leave
Employees are entitled to unpaid leave to give or arrange care for a dependant.
Corporate & Commercial
Offered by Sussex Legal Consultants - a specialist dispute resolution practice.
An employer has a duty to make reasonable adjustments for disabled workers.
Under the Equality Act 2010 workers have the right not to be discriminated against.
Employment Contracts
It is a statutory requirement to provide all employees with a written statement of terms.
Employment Tribunals
The aim of this short note is to give you some idea about what to expect from an Employment Tribunal case.
Equal Pay
The equal pay provisions in the Equality Act 2010 are part of the anti- discrimination legislation.
Flexible Working
An application to work flexibly can cover: hours of work; times of work; place of work.
GDPR/Data Protection
In 2018 GDPR standards were extended to certain processing activities outside the scope of EU.
Grievance / Disciplinary
All employers are required to conduct these in accordance with the ACAS Code of Practice.
Health & Safety at Work
The duty of an employer to ensure that the health & safety of its employees are protected at work.
HR - Help!
Getting the most out of your staff - let us help you to determine the best course of action.
Immigration Support
Advice to both corporate and private clients coming to live and work in the UK.
Maternity, Paternity, Adoption
Mothers & fathers of biological & adopted children have rights for leave to take care of their children.
The world of business is becoming ever more proactive in dealing with workforce issues of all kinds.
Mulberry’s In-house
We have an innovative in house employment law service providing efficient & practical advice.
Post Termination Restrictions
We can help you prepare contracts that will give you the peace of mind you need.
The employer must ensure that a fair redundancy procedure is followed to be confident of a fair dismissal.
Re-organisations & Restructures
On the sale or transfer of a business employees may find the identity of their employer has changed.
Settlement Agreements
We can prepare, negotiate and offer expert advice on settlement agreements.
Shared Parental Leave
This is a new and creative way for parents to share statutory family leave and pay on the birth of a child.
Startup HR Pack
If you have built a new business, we applaud you and would love to support you!
Stress & Work Related Claims
Employers have a duty not to cause psychiatric damage to their employees.
Unfair Dismissal
Employers can only dismiss employees fairly for a fair reason and following a fair process.
All workers are protected by the whisteblowing provisions including employees workers.