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    In Duncombe and ors v Secretary of State for Children, School and Families (No.2) the Supreme Court decided that teachers employed by the Secretary of State to work in European Schools overseas fell within the protection of the Employment Rights Act 1996 and could therefore claim unfiar dismissal. The Court ruled that the teachers comprised[…]

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    Three key changes are due to take place in April: The default retirement age will be phased on from 6 April 2011 the right to request flexible working will be extended to parents of children under 18. However, in The Telepgraph today it was reported that Vince Cable, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and[…]

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    The Government has revised the draft Employment Equality (Repeal of Retirement Age Provisions) Regulations 2011 to address a problem in the transitional provisions contained in the original draft that would have meant that the retirement procedure could not be relied on in respect of an employee whom it was intended to retire before 1 October[…]

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    The recent case of Nixon v Ross Coates Solicitors and anor illustrates the dangers of office gossip, particularly where this concerns the pregnancy of an employee. The claimant in this the case was employed for over ten years by the respondent to bring in clients and assist with corporate hospitality. She was having a relationship[…]

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    In Brink’s Global Services Inc and ors v Igrox Limited the Court of Appeal held that an employer was vicariously liable for the theft of a number of silver bars by one of its employees. The court decided that there was a sufficiently close connection between the employee’s theft and his employment to make it[…]

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    From 1 October 2011 the default retirement age will be ablished. Phasing out will begin from April. The default retirement age (DRA) of 65 was introduced by the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations in 2006. It allowed employers to force employees to retire at the age of 65 or above without legal liability, provided that they[…]

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